Bring ASU college courses to your high school

Searching for ways to improve college readiness and provide valuable learning experiences for your students? Through Universal Learner™ Courses, your students have the unique opportunity to earn college credit without having to incur financial or GPA risks.

Universal Learner Courses offer the following benefits:

Start anytime. Your students can choose from 50+ for-credit courses. These are all available online, and many offer on-demand options.
Universal eligibility. No Transcripts needed. No application required. No GPA thresholds.
Low risk and no penalty for failure. Students only transcript the course if they pass and want to add it to their ASU college transcript.
Low cost. Each course has a $25 enrollment fee. If the student is satisfied with the grade they received and would like to receive academic credit, the cost to convert a course for credit is $400. Payment is collected only upon course completion. School partners may also leverage special discounted pricing options.
Taught by ASU faculty. The credit received for the course is identical to any other credit received from ASU.

How it works

  1. Submit your information here.
  2. An ASU team member will reach out to review facilitation models, help you identify which one you would like to pursue, and guide you through the implementation.
  3. Students will log in to our platform and begin making progress toward their college degrees.

Why offer Universal Learner Courses?

Universal Learner Courses benefit high school students in a number of ways.


Promote college readiness among the student body.


Increase access to advanced college-level material, especially in the STEM fields.


Provide affordable college credit options.

Flexible facilitation models

Choose from one of three facilitation models for Universal Learner Courses.


Facilitated model

The teacher facilitates the course through scheduled class time and guides students through the material.

Supervised model

Teachers provide support or office hours while students complete the coursework largely on their own time and schedule. This is a great option for schools with limited teacher resources.

Individual model

Your school does not provide space or teachers. The student signs up and takes the course outside of school, on their own time and schedule.

Request information

Interested in bringing Universal Learner Courses to your high school?

Contact us today by submitting your information. A member of our team will follow up to schedule a time to discuss your needs.